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2022-01-20 10:37:00   來源:其它    點擊:   
自考在線學習 +問答



  1. unwilling adj.不情愿的,不愿意的;勉強的

  she is unwilling to share anything with others. (她不愿意與他人分享任何東西。)

  He was unwilling to give up halfway even though there might be more difficulties ahead.


  They got some unwilling assistance from the local government. (地方政府勉強給了他們一些協助。)

  2. equator n.赤道

  3. bulge n.不規則突起;鼓起之處;(突然)上漲,增多


  Between the bulge of South America and the bulge of Africa lies the narrowest place of the Atlantic Ocean. (大西洋的最狹窄處位于南美洲的突起處和非洲的突起處之間。)

  The graph shows a bulge in the birth rate in the year of dragon. (圖表顯示龍年出生率的暴增。)

  4. unusual adj. 少有的;不尋常的;與眾不同的,獨特的

  It was not unusual for him to work very late every night. (每天工作到深夜對他來說是很平常的事。

  5. salty adj. 咸的,含鹽的 salt n. 鹽;風趣   v. 用鹽調味;用鹽腌;撒鹽于道路上

  He didn’t have much for dinner as the dishes were too salty. (他晚餐吃的不多,因為菜太咸了。)

  It took them a long time to salt the main roads. (他們花了好長時間才在主要公路上撒上鹽。)

  grind salt in sb.’s wounds 在某人傷口上撒鹽,使某人痛上加痛

  with a grain of salt 半信半疑地

  Salt Lake City 鹽湖城(美國尤他州州府)

  請注意:形容詞salty是由名詞 salt加形容詞后綴 -y構成的。這樣的形容詞在英語中還有很多,如:windy,snowy,rainy,cloudy,sunny,funny,muddy,foggy…

  6. average n. 平均數,平均   adj. 平均的;平常的,普通的   v. 平均

  The average of 5,7 and 9 is 7. (5,7,9的平均數是7.)

  The average temperature yesterday was below zero.(昨天的平均氣溫在零度以下。)

  He is an average student in his class.(他是班上的一般學生。)

  7. spot n.地點,處所;點,斑點  v. 點綴;認出;準確定位  adj. 當場作出的;現付的

  She toured many scenic spots during the holiday.(假日里她游覽了許多風景勝地。)

  She told us the exact spot where the accident happened. (她把事故發生的準確地點告訴了我們)

  His shoes are spotted with mud.(他的鞋子上有泥漬。)

  She is so special, you can spot her in the crowd easily. (她很特別,你在人群中能一眼認出她來。)

  She was urged to make a spot decision.(她被催促當場做決定。)

  on the spot 當場,在現場   in a spot 在困境中,在窘境中

  put sb. on the spot 使某人處于難堪地位

  put one’s finger on sb’s weak spot 指出某人性格上的弱點

  spot check 抽樣檢查   spot survey 抽樣調查

  spotlight 聚光燈;汽車上的反光燈;公眾注意中心

  spot news 現場報道的新聞   spot price 現貨價

  8. range n. 山脈;幅度,范圍 v.(在某范圍內)變動,變化;把…排列成行

  medium-range missile 中程導彈   wide range of interests 興趣廣泛

  at close range 接近地   in/within range 在射程內

  9. peak n. 山峰;頂點

  The mountain peak is covered with snow all the year.(山峰終年積雪。)

  His career is at its peak .  (他的事業正處于鼎盛時期)

  10. vessel n. 船,艦;容器,器皿

  an ocean-going vessel 遠洋輪

  11. crew n. 全體船員,全體機務人員

  The crew was (were) annoyed at the captain’s decision.(船員們對船長的決定感到惱火。)

  The aircraft has a crew of 6.(這架飛機有6名機組人員。)

  12. becalm v.(常用被動語態)(指帆船)因無風而停止前進

  He was becalmed for a whole week north of the island. (他在海島北面因無風而停泊了整整一周。)

  13. gulf n. 海灣;隔閡;鴻溝

  The quarrel left a gulf between the two close friends. (那場爭吵在兩位好友間造成了隔閡。)

  the Gulf of Mexico 墨西哥灣

  Gulf Stream 灣流,墨西哥灣流

  14. stream n. 小河,溪流   v. 流,涌

  Tears streamed down her cheeks when she heard the news.(當她聽到那個消息時,淚水順著臉頰流了下來。)

  15. current n. (空氣,水等的)流,潮流;電流;傾向   adj. 當前的,通行的

  The child had been swept away by the current.(孩子被水流卷走了。)

  Mass media influence the current of public opinion.(大眾傳媒影響輿論的傾向。)

  Give me a current issue of Reader’s Digest.(給我一本最近一期的讀者文摘。)

  current events 時事       current situation 當前形勢

  16. affect v. 影響;打動;(疾病)侵襲 effect n. 效果;作用,影響;

  no effects 無存款(銀行在空頭支票上的批語)

  be of no effect無效     bring sth. to effect 實行,實施

  in effect實際上       take effect 見效;生效

  17. climate n. 氣候

  weather n. 天氣

  18. flow n. 流   v. 流動

  The doctor stopped the flow of blood. (醫生把血止住了。)

  19. furnish v. 供應,提供;裝備,(用家具)布置

  20. highway n. 公路; (水陸)交通干線

  21. float v.(使)漂浮


  Affixation  (詞綴法)

  1. 反意詞前綴un-    unusual,unwilling

  2. 形容詞后綴-y    salty

  3. 名詞后綴-or    sailor

  Compounding   (合詞法)

  1. 復合名詞    highway,steamship,airplane

  2. 復合形容詞    mid-Atlantic,eastward


  The Atlantic Ocean向讀者介紹了有關大西洋的情況。我們可以了解航行大西洋的過去和現在,也可以了解大西洋“制造”出來的世界之最。











